I’m going against the grain with this post on things I hate about travel. But after more than a few misadventures, I think it’s important to peel back the sexy layer of “wanderlust” and talk about the grimier bits of travel… which can also be fun.
I always say travel is growth. And growth hurts. Leaving the comforts of home is bound to yield some uncomfortable experiences and it’s time I shine a light on that.
Keep in mind that the list below isn’t meant to hate on travel or advise against it.
On the contrary. They’re part of the journey.
Travel is one of life’s greatest joys and my favorite thing to do. But here are 6 things I actually hate about travel, which cause me endless trouble and hilarious misadventures.
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6 Things I Hate About Travel
1. Public Toilets
Anyone who travels with me will hear me rant about public toilets at least once. Especially if you camp or live that van-life, you’ll find yourself at the mercy of public toilets on the daily.
And if you’re a woman… it’s a nightmare.
How is it that our society has come so far but no one’s yet found a hygienic solution for women in public toilets? I don’t know, something like Japan’s rotating toilet seat covers.
Every time, I waste half a roll of TP to avoid contact with any surface or I get a muscle cramp from squatting. Sometimes I literally ration my water intake so I won’t need a toilet.
Ugh. Public toilets: definitely a thing I hate about travel.
2. Pit Stops

Not sure if anyone feels this way but I can’t stand pit stops. When we hit the road, I get a high and I’m just a ball of excited energy. And a quick stop for petrol feels like we’re slowing our progress.
I know it sounds weird.
Petrol is also a financial expense I fail to account for every time. I don’t know why, my brain blocks it out since I find it so annoying.
Not to mention Shaun likes to meander the gas station aisles for snacks, which raises my blood pressure.
So that’s my weird thing about pit stops.
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3. Climate shock
You may have never experienced this. But for sensitive bodies (like mine), climate shock can be a real struggle during travel.
Living in New Zealand, going overseas often means switching seasons. Last year, a trip from summer NZ to winter USA was so destabilizing that I slept for 3 days.
Even in New Zealand, climates vary. Recently in tropical Northland, I was so hot I couldn’t think straight. My brain was so jumbled, I couldn’t carry a conversation. It took a few iced coffees to gather my senses.
If you’ve experienced climate shock, you know it can be a challenging part of travel.
4. Shaun’s road rage
He’ll hate me for putting this here, but Shaun’s road rage is another travel stressor. He’ll argue that he’s not that bad, and… I agree. I’ve seen worse.
But as someone who used to race cars with a full understanding of road rules, he has an eye for dangerous drivers and doesn’t hesitate letting them know. And I have to sink in my seat every time.
I can’t be the only one. As a woman, I’m wary of confrontations because you never know what kind of crazy you’re poking.
I make Shaun sound like a tyrant but I do feel safe with him behind the wheel.
You can’t deny that driving (especially spanning days) can be stressful and exhausting.
5. Tourists and Insta-models
I see the irony of this one since I am technically both a tourist and “Insta-model” (hate that term) when I travel.
But there’s no denying a crowd of tourists kill any enchantment about a place. I understood this when I traveled to the Moeraki Boulders in the South Island.
If you’ve been there, you know Moeraki is a wild forlorn place and the mysterious boulders have an aged quietness about them. But it’s a tourist hot spot. The mystery was ruptured by chatter, selfie-sticks and queues and I couldn’t really access the magic of the place.

And although I love seeing tourists (support for the tourism industry), I wish people took more time to appreciate and understand these destinations and see beyond the photo.
I have to catch myself with this too, when I arrive somewhere and start madly clicking with my camera.
We could all remind ourselves to travel for the joy of travel, and put the camera down once in a while.
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6. Decision-fatigue
Not sure if anyone can relate but between me and Shaun, I plan all the things. I book the hotels, map routes, choose activities, find the best restaurants, build the itinerary. And that can lead to a very real phenomenon called decision-fatigue.
I recently experienced this so badly that I couldn’t be bothered picking a place for dinner. I told Shaun unless he makes a decision, we aren’t eating. And that can be particularly hard when you have specific dietary requirements. Meal planning leaks so much energy.
I like this article which outlines decision-fatigue and its consequences in every day life. The quality of our decisions actually decreases the more decisions we have to make, and it has a ripple effect throughout our lives.
Travel can be exhausting and decision-fatigue plays a big role in that. It signals that you need to slow down. Relinquish control. And let someone else make the decisions for awhile.
If I can do it, so can you.
So do these things make me hate travel?
Short answer, hell no. “Hate” is a strong word and although there are parts of travel that are uncomfortable and scary and gross, it’s still one of the most enriching experiences you can have.
What else should be on this list? Let me know what I missed in the comments below, I love hearing other people’s misadventures.
It’a refreshing to read the “negative side” of traveling. I totally agree with you – public toilets and lousy tourists are a nightmare!
Thank you, as much as I love travel, I LOVE to hear about the mishaps and struggles. Those public toilets… shudder.
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